


Hamming distance

The hamming distance of two vectors $a, b \in \mathrm{F}$ is the number of elements of $a$ that differ from $b$.

In Python it can be calculated:

def hamming_distance(a, b):
    if len(a) != len(b):
        raise ValueError("a must be the same length than b")
    return sum(x != y for x, y in zip(a, b))

Information theory and statistics

Probability mass function

Supose $X: \Omega \to A \subseteq \R$ a discrete random variable, We call $P$ the mass function of $X$ defined by:

P(x) = P[X = x]

The mass function is the analog of the density function $X$ were continuous random variable.


Entropy in information theory (also called Shanon Entropy) is a generalization of Thermodynamics Entropy (Boltzmann Entropy).

The entropy $H$ of a discrete random variable $X$ with possible values $\{ x_{1}, x_{2}, \dots, x_{n} \}$, with a probability mass function $P$ is defined by:

H(X) = E(-\log(P(X)))

More explicitly:

H(X) = - \sum_{i=1}^{n} P(x_{i}) \log (P(x_{i}))

Cross Entropy